SPRING BRANCH, JOIN US for Preserving the Night Sky and Reducing Light Pollution in Spring Branch
Beefy's on the Green 12910 US Hwy 281N, Spring Branch, TX, United StatesLearn why and how night-friendly and safe exterior lighting at your home and business can help Spring Branch become an International Dark Sky Community. Preserving the Night Sky and Reducing Light Pollution presentation by Comal County Friends of the Night Sky Wednesday, December 6th Beefy's on the Green 12910 US Hwy 281N, Spring Branch, 78070 6:30 - 7:30 PM Come a little early to order and enjoy dinner during the presentation and Q & A. Spring Branch is working to join Blanco, Dripping Springs, Fredericksburg, Horseshoe Bay, and Wimberly as an International Dark Sky Community in the Hill Country [...]